ISTC - Master Droit économie gestion - Mention Marketing vente - Parcours Stratégie & Communication

Semester 2

Etape de formation
Semester 2
Crédits ECTS

  Cours Période Etablissement Prof. responsable Coef. Crédits
1 POLE 1 - Knowledge, languages - UE 1 2,00 5.00
  Monitoring S2 ISTC V.DURET 2,00 1.00
  Culture & communication speciality S2 ISTC V.DURET 1.00
  2nd Foreign language - professional S2 ISTC V.DURET 1.00
  Cross-Cultural Management Speciality S2 ISTC V.DURET 1.00
  Contemporary curiosity speciality S2 ISTC V.DURET 1.00
2 POLE 2 - Strategies - UE 2 - 1.00
  Creation and firm recovery speciality S2 ISTC F.DRICI - 1.00
3 POLE 3 - Personal developement and soft skills - UE 3 2,00 6.00
  Junior Firm speciality / Competences sponsorship S2 ISTC V.DURET 1.00
  Inclusion speciality S2 ISTC V.DURET 1.00
  Internship feedback S2 ISTC P.GROS 2,00 2.00
  LEX S1 ISTC G.Druart 1.00
  Speciality - Preparating soft skills S2 ISTC B.ROZPARA 1.00
4 POLE 4 - Management - UE 4 - 0.00
5 POLE 5 - Digital Media - UE 5 - 2.00
  Firm Events Speciality S2 ISTC V.DURET - 1.00
  Video Speciality S2 ISTC G.Druart - 1.00

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