Licence LLCER Anglais

3rd year undergraduate English and American Studies, 2022-2023, S6

Etape de formation
3rd year undergraduate English and American Studies, 2022-2023, S6
Crédits ECTS

  Cours Période Etablissement Prof. responsable Coef. Crédits
1 Licence 3 Langues, Civilisation Etrangère - Anglais, 2022-2023, S6 - 0.00
2 Licence 3 LCE Anglais - 60.00
3 Semestre 6 - 30.00
4 UE24 - Options 5,00 4.00
  IFP S6 S6 FLSH 0.00
  French for Foreigners S6 FLSH 3,00 3.00
  Computer Studies S6 FLSH Christian Nicholls 2,00 2.00
5 Parcours B - Options 2,00 2.00
  Introduction to the French Speaking World S6 FLSH Vivien LEMAIRE 2,00 2.00
6 PARCOURS A - Options 2,00 2.00
  Phonologie S6 FLSH Lionel Hurtrez 2,00 2.00
7 Parcours C - Options 1,00 1.00
  Project Management S6 FLSH Abdelkader Zerrouki 1,00 1.00
8 UE21 - Culture 10,00 10.00
  Essential Themes in 19th century British Civilization S6 FLSH Jean Paul Rosaye 2,50 2.00
  The British Short Story : Crime, Horror and Fantasy S6 FLSH Suzanne Bray 2,50 2.00
  The Shimmering Veil of Being: the Modernist Aesthetic in the short fiction of Katherine Mansfield, D. H. Lawrence and Virginia Woolf S6 FLSH Nicholas MYERS 2,50 2.00
  Reforming America : Waves of Social, Cultural and Political Protest in the Unites States (1940s-1980s) S6 FLSH Alysson Tadjer 2,50 2.00
9 UE22 - Langue 10,00 10.00
  Public Speaking S6 FLSH Martin Bray 1,00 1.00
  Advanced Translation : French to English S6 FLSH Martin Bray 3,00 3.00
  Advanced Translation from English to French S6 FLSH Daniel Verheyde 3,00 3.00
  Analytical Grammar S6 FLSH Maite MESNILGRENTE 3,00 3.00
10 UE23 - Compétences professionnelles - 6.00
11 Parcours C 4,00 4.00
  Introduction to Management S6 FLSH Paul Devos 2,00 2.00
  English : Consecutive Interpreting S6 FLSH Juliette Francois 2,00 2.00
12 Parcours A 4,00 4.00
  English Didactics in Middle-School and High Schools S6 FLSH clementine chatelard 2,00 2.00
  Shakespeare in Popular Culture S6 FLSH Garrett EPP 2,00 2.00
13 Parcours B 6,00 6.00
  Linguistics and Didactics of French S6 FLSH Lucie Benagrouba 6,00 6.00
14 Bonus - 0.00
  IFP S6 S6 FLSH - 0.00
  Modern Language 2 : Spanish 6 S6 FLSH - 0.00
  Teacher Training S6 FLSH - 0.00
  LV3 ITALIEN S6 S6 FLSH - 0.00
  Introduction to Management S6 FLSH Paul Devos - 0.00
  Projet individuel de recherche S6 FLSH - 0.00
  Préparation TKT S5 FLSH - 0.00

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