Licence Psychologie

3rd year undergraduate Psychology, 2023-2024, S6

Etape de formation
3rd year undergraduate Psychology, 2023-2024, S6
Crédits ECTS

  Cours Période Etablissement Prof. responsable Coef. Crédits
1 Licence 3 Psychologie , 2023-2024, S6 - 0.00
2 Licence 3 Psychologie - 60.00
3 Semestre 6 - 30.00
4 BCC 6.6 Options mineures en Psychologie - 6.00
5 UE 41 - UE thématique 4,00 6.00
  Education and Learning S6 FLSH Arlette Headley 1,00 0.00
  Intro to Psychology of Health S6 FLSH Benjamin Roux 2,00 0.00
  Formation project methodology and skills development S6 FLSH Hossein Djazayeri 1,00 0.00
6 BCC 1.6 Fondamentaux - 12.00
7 UE 37 - Neurosciences - Niveau 2 3,00 6.00
  Psychopharmacology S6 FLSH Thibaut Dondaine, Jacques Honore 1,00 0.00
  Sensorimotor Treatment S6 FLSH Jacques Honore 1,00 0.00
8 UE 36 - Psychologie cognitive 1,00 6.00
  Cognitive Psychology S6 FLSH Sophie Craddock 1,00 0.00
9 BCC 5.6 Professionnalisation, pratique et recherche - 9.00
10 UE 39 - TER 2,00 6.00
  Individual study and research project S6 FLSH Julio Guillen, Clemmie Vangansbeke, Henry Clety, Hossein Djazayeri, Carole Pinel, Olivia Beauprez, Hélène VAN COMPERNOL, Axelle Triquet, ANTHONY PIERMATTEO, Stéphane Ranfaing, Bruno LENNE, Halima Mecheri-Mordi, Dominique RENIERS, BEATRICE DEGRAEVE 2,00 0.00
11 UE 40 - Découverte professionnelle 2,00 3.00
  Internship report S6 FLSH Clemmie Vangansbeke, Olivia Beauprez, Guillaume STELANDRE 1,00 0.00
  Professional workshops and lectures S6 FLSH Isabelle Blairy Savard, Natacha Martel 1,00 0.00
12 BCC 3.6 Compétences transversales - 3.00
13 UE 38 - Langues vivantes - 3.00

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