Licence Médias, Culture et Communication

1st year undergraduate Media, Culture and Communication, 2023-2024, S1

Etape de formation
1st year undergraduate Media, Culture and Communication, 2023-2024, S1
Crédits ECTS

  Cours Période Etablissement Prof. responsable Coef. Crédits
1 Licence 1 Médias Culture et Communication, 2023-2024, S1 49,00 36.00
  Information and Communication Theory S1 FLSH Joel Ganault 5,00 3.00
  Communication for Business and Organisations S1 FLSH CATHERINE DEBUISSON 5,00 3.00
  Grammatical Analysis of Political and Media Speeches S1 FLSH Clothilde Sabre, Ludivine BRASSELET 2,00 1.00
  Introduction to Political Science S6 FLSH Martin BALOGE 3,00 2.00
  Histoire des internets S1 FLSH Joel Ganault 4,00 3.00
  German S1 FLSH Sylvia Onquiert, Christel Ricoleau 2,00 2.00
  Methodology S1 FLSH Clothilde Sabre, Sabine Lesenne 3,00 2.00
  Spanish S1 FLSH Joryet GALYCIA CASTILLO, Lou Azurmendi, LISETTE DUTAILLY, Amparo Colmenero 2,00 2.00
  Semiology of Visual Images S1 FLSH Tiphaine Zetlaoui 4,00 3.00
  Option Initiation à l"écriture journalistique S2 S1 FLSH Sophie Crepy, Pierre Emmanuel Pessemier 3,00 2.00
  Option Initiation à la photographie S2 S4 FLSH Eric Dabrowski 3,00 2.00
  Introduction to strategy of communication for events S1 FLSH Fabienne Lemonnier 3,00 2.00
  Computer Science S1 FLSH Michel Kietzka, Marc Larocque 2,00 2.00
  Contemporary History S1 FLSH Amirpasha Tavakkoli 3,00 3.00
  English S1 FLSH Alicea Edwards, Symphony Dabkowski 2,00 3.00
  Ateliers de la professionnalisation S1 FLSH FLORINE BEUNES - DEVAUZE 3,00 1.00

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