Licence Droit Science politique - Campus Lille

Faculté de Droit Lille, LL.B. 1st year Law and Political Science, 2023-2024, S2

Etape de formation
Faculté de Droit Lille, LL.B. 1st year Law and Political Science, 2023-2024, S2
Crédits ECTS

  Cours Période Etablissement Prof. responsable Coef. Crédits
1 Faculté de Droit Lille, Licence 1 Droit Science Politique, 2023-2024, S2 31,00 32.00
  Humanities Economics: main contemporary economic Issues since 1945 S2 FLD Marylene Mille, Eric Olszak, Donovan Tavernier 2,00 2.00
  French Civil law - Turorials S2 S2 FLD Caroline MARTIN 4,00 4.00
  Administrative institutions S2 FLD 2,00 2.00
  Humanity in Contemporary History: Main social issues S2 FLD 2,00 2.00
  Humanity in Contemporary History: History of the French secularism S2 FLD 2,00 2.00
  Utiliser les outils numériques et de recherche – auto-formation - Etape 2 S2 FLD 1,00 1.00
  French Civil Law - Lecture S2 S2 FLD Lina Williatte 3,00 3.00
  Méthodologie juridique S2 S2 FLD 1,00 1.00
  French Constitutional law - Lectures S2 S2 FLD 3,00 3.00
  French Constitutional law - Turorials S2 S2 FLD Francois Jaisson 4,00 4.00
  Introduction in the political philosophy S2 FLD 2,00 2.00
  Introduction in the political philosophy S2 FLD 2,00 2.00
  Methodology of the oral expression S2 S2 FLD Olivier DESCAMPS 1,00 1.00
  Projet voltaire S2 FLD 1,00 1.00
  Methodology of the written expression S2 S2 FLD Hugues PERDRIAUD, Marie-Thérèse GACHES-FOURCROY, Manon PEJOVIC NIKOLIC, Clothilde VILLEMIN 1,00 1.00
  Préparation au projet profesionnel L1-S2 S2 FLD 0,00 0.00
  Box certificative intermédiaire BC 4 S2 FLD 0,00 0.00
  Box certificative intermédiaire BC 3 S2 FLD 0,00 0.00
  Box certificative finale BC 1 S2 FLD 1.00
  Box certificative intermédiaire BC 2 S2 FLD 0,00 0.00
  Box certificative intermédiaire BC 5 S2 FLD 0,00 0.00
  Histoire des médias L1-S2 S2 FLD Stéphane Binhas 0,00 0.00

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