Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

Program type
First Degree
Admission mode
Admission level
Higher Education Programme (1 year)
2nd Year of Bachelor Program
Higher Education Programme (2 years)
A levels
Arts and Humanities
Teaching method
Bachelor's Degree
Teaching language
ECTS Credits
Hourly volume
850 h
6 semestres



This degree course is a general course in Psychology which includes components in clinical psychology, abnormal psychology, social psychology and neuroscience during the first two years. As a result, students gain an insight into many different aspects of the profession and are ready to specialise in their third year.
Students must to an internship in their third year and may decide to do one in the second year as well. They also have the opportunity to spend a semester abroad.
Students are prepared to gain access to selective graduate programs.


- How to construct a viable career plan
- How to undertake research projects

Continuation of study

Master of Psychology

Teaching officer

In order to become a registered psychologist in France, students need to obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a Master’s degree as well as completing 500 hours of professional experience.
Graduates work as clinical psychologists, neuropsychologists or occupational psychologists in various contexts (hospital, clinic, prison, social centre, school, company, NGO etc. ) It is also possible to work in human resource management or in consultancy or with the emergency services.

Diplôme préparé et conditions d'obtention du diplôme

Licence Sciences Humaines et Sociales
Mention Psychologie

Diplôme délivré par jury rectoral


3 years

Licence 3 Psychologie , 2023-2024, S6
Licence 2 Psychologie Mineure Santé, 2023-2024, S3
Licence 1 Psychologie , 2023-2024, S1
Licence 2 Psychologie , 2023-2024, S3
Licence 1 Psychologie , 2023-2024, S2
Licence 3 Psychologie , 2023-2024, S5
Licence 2 Psychologie , 2023-2024, S4
Licence 2 Psychologie Mineure Santé, 2023-2024, S4
Licence 3 Psychologie Mineure Santé, 2023-2024, S5
Licence 3 Psychologie Mineure Santé, 2023-2024, S6
Licence 1 Psychologie Mineure Santé, 2023-2024, S1


Admission condition

Baccalauréat toutes séries

Admission modality

- En licence 1 pour les élèves de Terminale : candidature sur

- En licence 2 et 3 : candidature sur
Les candidatures se déroulent de mi-janvier à juillet.
Si vous devez faire une équivalence de diplôme pour entrer en Licence 2 ou Licence 3, candidatez avant le 30 avril.

Annual cost

voir les différents barèmes sur le site de la faculté :…
La faculté applique le principe d’un barème différencié prenant en compte à la fois les ressources et la situation familiale. Une contribution réduite est consentie, sur justificatifs, aux familles confrontées à des difficultés particulières. Habilitation aux bourses

Informations non contractuelles et pouvant être soumises à modification