Master Affaires Internationales Trilingues - Parcours Marketing International, Communication et Negociation

Program type
First Degree
Admission mode
Admission level
Bachelors Degree
Higher Education Programme (4 years)
Business School Degree
Higher Education Programme (3 years)
Business - Economics - Management
Tourism - Transport
Information - Communication
Arts and Humanities
Marketing / Sales
Foreign languages
Tourism and culture
Teaching method
Master's Degree
Teaching language
ECTS Credits
Hourly volume
973 h
4 semestres



Graduates of the International Marketing, Negotiation and Communication Master’s degree are essential to the global policies of a company. During the course, they learn how to elaborate a communications strategy around a product, to create an advertising campaign, or even to launch a new brand internationally thanks to the input of professionals and case studies.
This course prepares its graduates to work internationally, but also in French companies with an international outlook.
This Master’s has a partnership with the French Chamber of Commerce: an asset when it comes to getting a job in an international company.


-Understanding the importance of psychological knowledge in the world of communication
-Mastering the fundamentals of professional communication
-Writing and speaking effectively in at least three languages
-Know how to adapt written language according to the target audience and type of text to be produced
-Creating a communication plan and determining the needs in written and audio-visual supports as a result of this plan
-Understand the issues at stake, the objectives and the fields of actions in public relations and press relations
-Defining a public relations and press relations strategy and knowing how to implement it

Teaching officer

Product manager
Account Manager
Studies manager
International buyer / seller
Export area manager
Marketing and Communication Officer
Marketing department manager
Web Marketing Officer

Diplôme préparé et conditions d'obtention du diplôme

Master Arts, Lettres et Langues
Mention Langues Etrangères Appliquées
Parcours Langues et Management International/ Marketing international, communication et négociation

Diplôme en convention avec l'Université d'Artois

en alternance


2 years

Master 1 Affaires Internationales Trilingues - Parcours Marketing International, Communication et Négociation, 2023-2024, S2
Master 1 Affaires Internationales Trilingues - Parcours Marketing International, Communication et Négociation, 2023-2024, S1
Master 2 Affaires Internationales Trilingues - Parcours Marketing International, Communication et Négociation, 2023-2024, S3


Admission condition

Licence 3 et niveau équivalent pour les écoles de commerce
-Recrutement sur titre ouvert aux titulaires d’une licence, notamment LEA, Sciences Economiques, LCE, ou diplôme de Commerce de niveau BAC + 3.
-Un bon niveau en anglais et allemand ou espagnol est exigé.

Annual cost

voir les différents barèmes sur le site de la faculté :…
La faculté applique le principe d’un barème différencié prenant en compte à la fois les ressources et la situation familiale. Une contribution réduite est consentie, sur justificatifs, aux familles confrontées à des difficultés particulières. Habilitation aux bourses

Informations non contractuelles et pouvant être soumises à modification