Master in Food Politics and Sustainable Development

Program type
First Degree
Admission mode
file + interview
Admission level
Higher Education Programme (4 years)
Sciences - Industries
Information - Communication
Politic science
International relations
Teaching method
Master's Degree
Teaching language
ECTS Credits
Hourly volume
421 h
4 semestres



Food and agriculture are fields in which major global challenges arise. In 2050, the world’s population is projected to rise to 10 billion people; and they all need to eat. Questions related to the organisation and regulation of our agri-food system are inherently political. They include the production, distribution, accessibility, and consumption of food, as well as issues related to public health, sustainability, animal welfare, poverty, science and technology, and trade.

The master’s degree in Food Politics examines the ways in which public authorities (regional bodies, nation states, European institutions, UN agencies) and private actors (individuals, farming communities and organisations, transnational businesses, researchers, NGOs, etc.) shape and transform the agri-food system. While the production of food is initiated at local level, its distribution and consumption often have global implications. Understanding, analysing and acting upon these implications is key to steer, govern and transform our food system in the future.

Because these questions require to cross political and technical knowledge, the master’s degree in Food Politics is organised in close collaboration with practitioners. It includes a partnership with ISA Lille, the renowned agronomy institute of Lille Catholic University; numerous interventions from agri-food professionals; and field trips to regional farms, food-related policy events, key food fairs such as the Paris International Agricultural Show, and food markets such as the Rungis Market, the biggest wholesale food market in the world.

This degree will enable students to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to master and design complex and innovative food policy solutions, and to occupy key professional positions in public and private organisations.


Specialising in food policy enables students to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to master the regulatory as well technical aspects of these issues, and to access top positions in public and private organisations active in this policy area.

Continuation of study

PhD Political Science, College of Europe (Bruges and Natolin), University Institute in Florence

Teaching officer
Sabien Weiland, Associate Professor in Political Science

(1) Public administration at national and subnational level: ministries, regional and local authorities, but also other public administration agencies recruit experts in public policy;
(2) International and European organisations, such as the European Union, the FAO, the OSCE or the European Environment Agency;
(3) NGOs, think tanks, trade unions, interest groups and lobbies often recruit experts with backgrounds in political science and international affairs;
(4) Businesses are increasingly recruiting people qualified in international affairs ;
(5) Academic career: students graduating from our MA can also access PhD programmes in order to pursue an academic career.

Diplôme préparé et conditions d'obtention du diplôme

Master Droit, Economie, Gestion
Mention Etudes Européennes et Internationales
Parcours Les politiques alimentaires et agricoles / Food politics and Sustainable developpement

Diplôme délivré par jury rectoral


ESPOL, Master 2 Food Politics and Sustainable Development, 2023-2024, S3
ESPOL, Master 1 Food Politics and Sustainable Development , 2023-2024, S1
ESPOL, Master 1 Food Politics and Sustainable Development , 2023-2024, S2


Admission condition

Bachelor's degree

Annual cost

Bachelor's and Master's fees are calculated depending on revenue and household composition.

You can immediatly estimate your fees online :

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