Master Histoire - Relations internationales - Géopolitique

Program type
First Degree
Admission mode
Admission level
Bachelors Degree
Higher Education Programme (3 years)
Teaching method
Master's Degree
Teaching language
ECTS Credits
Hourly volume
600 h
4 semestres



The goal of this course is to initiate students into scientific research in the fields of history and international relations while reaching an in-depth understanding of international political questions from the 19th to the 21st centuries.
This degree will allow students to develop analytical skills in international relations, thanks to a territorial approach to geopolitical questions. Case studies of international conflicts, rivalries between public, private or even criminal organizations enable students to understand the issues at stake in different cultural areas (Asia, Africa, Latin America etc…)


Students learn to approach international issues both theoretically and practically in this multidisciplinary degree course.
Students develop intellectual autonomy, make clear and precise analyses of key issues, develop a critical mindset and obtain an excellent knowledge of the world today
Students will learn to understand the issues behind the News, social and economic mechanisms and be equipped to come to reliable conclusions about world affairs

Continuation of study


Teaching officer

International development
Humanitarian aid
International management.
It is also possible to study for a PhD in International Relations.

Diplôme préparé et conditions d'obtention du diplôme

Master Sciences Humaines et Sociales
Mention Histoire, Civilisation, Patrimoine
Parcours Histoire et Civilisations / Relations internationales Géopolitique

Diplôme en convention avec l'Université d'Artois


2 ans avec 2 périodes de stages de 3 à 6 mois.

Master 1 Histoire Relations Internationales Géopolitique, 2023-2024, S1
Master 2 Histoire Relations Internationales Géopolitique, 2023-2024, S4
Master 1 Histoire Relations Internationales Géopolitique, 2023-2024, S2


Admission condition


Admission sur dossier et entretien éventuel.

Annual cost

voir les différents barèmes sur le site de la faculté :…
La faculté applique le principe d’un barème différencié prenant en compte à la fois les ressources et la situation familiale. Une contribution réduite est consentie, sur justificatifs, aux familles confrontées à des difficultés particulières. Habilitation aux bourses

Informations non contractuelles et pouvant être soumises à modification