Master Journalisme international et investigation - Histoire

Program type
First Degree
Admission mode
Admission level
Bachelors Degree
Higher Education Programme (4 years)
Higher Education Programme (3 years)
Arts - Culture
Arts and Humanities
Culture careers
Teaching method
Master's Degree
Teaching language
ECTS Credits
Hourly volume
942 h
4 semestres



This Master’s aims to train professional journalists who will be able to blend a vast general knowledge, practical know-how, and an awareness of the social responsibilities of the media. This course was created to respond to these criteria.
Upon graduating, students can consider all kinds of jobs in journalism as they will take specific classes for each area of the media: radio, photojournalism, written press, TV, and web journalism.


-A wide general and theoretical knowledge of the world thanks to classes in geopolitics, history and ethics, as well as professional seminars
-Practical skills for journalism with numerous classes in collaboration with the MediaLab, radio and television broadcasts, documentary productions, writing article etc.

Continuation of study

Concours (Sciences Politiques, ESJ, CELSA...), doctorat en Histoire

Teaching officer

Graduates can join an editorial board at the end of their degree thanks to their mastery of journalism techniques and general knowledge enabling them to understand the world they live in while knowing their limits. They will have acquired an awareness of the social responsibilities of the media and of the professional journalist’s role in a democratic society.

After graduating, the future workers in the media can head towards all sorts of jobs in the journalism sector, as the course offers an introduction to all forms of media (radio, television, e-journalism press etc.), so that they can apply for any type of job in the media.

Diplôme préparé et conditions d'obtention du diplôme

Master Sciences Humaines et Sociales
Mention Histoire, Civilisation, Patrimoine
Parcours Journalisme international et investigation - Histoire

Diplôme en convention avec l'Université d'Artois


2 years

Master 1 Histoire et Journalisme / journalisme international et investigation, 2023-2024, S2
Master 2 Histoire et Journalisme / journalisme international et investigation, 2023-2024, S3
Master 2 Histoire et Journalisme / journalisme international et investigation, 2023-2024, S4


Admission condition

Toutes licences. Possibilité de VAE.
Plus d'informations sur

Annual cost

voir les différents barèmes sur le site de la faculté :…
La faculté applique le principe d’un barème différencié prenant en compte à la fois les ressources et la situation familiale. Une contribution réduite est consentie, sur justificatifs, aux familles confrontées à des difficultés particulières. Habilitation aux bourses

Informations non contractuelles et pouvant être soumises à modification