Master Marketing & Responsible Cocreation

Program type
First Degree
Apprenticeship Training
Part-time Training
Admission mode
Admission level
Bachelors Degree
Higher Education Programme (4 years)
Licence 3
Teaching method
Master's Degree
Teaching language
ECTS Credits
Hourly volume
1000 h
4 semestres



This professional master's degree will enable you to become a successful marketing manager, integrating all stakeholders in the creation of value for your company. Co-creation is one of the foundations of responsible marketing, in which companies and consumers are equal partners in the creation of value.

It offers exceptional preparation based on practical, interactive teaching methods that include experience sharing, group projects, business cases and role-playing. Most aspects of marketing are explored.

It offers networking opportunities with classmates from different countries and academic backgrounds, as well as with professionals and experts. Our aim is to provide an innovative environment, open to the world and society, conducive to the acquisition and development of best practices in a responsible manner.


Our program offers a global vision and a solid grounding in each macro-area of marketing activities (development of strategic marketing decisions, sustainable marketing approaches, knowledge of consumer behavior, digital marketing operations, openness to innovation), with a particular focus on the co-creation of responsible value. Teaching methods enable students to acquire communication, project and team management skills, as well as an ethical posture.

Teaching officer
Diplôme préparé et conditions d'obtention du diplôme

Master Droit, Economie, Gestion
Mention Marketing Vente
Parcours Marketing & Responsible Cocreation

Diplôme délivré par jury rectoral

alternance en M2


Master 1 : formation initiale + 4 mois de stage obligatoire
Master 2 : formation en alternance

Les études en Master se déroulent sur le site :
Campus Wenov, à Euratechnologie
177 Allée Clémentine Deman
59800 Lille

Master 1 Marketing & Responsible Cocreation, 2023-2024, S1
Master 1 Marketing & Responsible Cocreation, 2023-2024, S2
Master 2 Marketing & Responsible Cocreation, 2023-2024, S4


Admission condition

Graduates with a bachelor's degree in international business, marketing, management, economics, accounting, finance, administration, languages and others, with a minor in management, economics or finance

Admission modality

2023-24: on the Agora website!formInscrs.conne…; Students covered by the Campus France system must also apply on the French national website Etudes en France

Annual cost
Informations non contractuelles et pouvant être soumises à modification