University of Sarajevo visits Lille

Professors from University of Sarajevo came to teach at ISA about pleaded uranium contamination in the Balkans and air pollution in Bosnia-and-Herzegovina, looking for solutions and public health information, thanks to our Erasmus+ ICM project


In a similar scheme as « LILLE, EUROPEAN CAPITAL OF CULTURE » in 2004, Lille will be the « WORLD DESIGN CAPITAL » in 2020.

This nomination is the result of a competition between cities all around the world, and more particulary, of a final between Lille and Sydney. The aim of being a World design capital for Lille is to be able to transform and to galvanize the metropolitan territory through the use of design.

In order to achieve this goal, any structure of the MEL (European Metropolis of Lille) can submit a project, called « Proof of Concept » (POC). So far, The Université Catholique de Lille has submitted 13 files, concerning various projects in progress.

The themes of these POCs contribute to create « the codesign dynamics of a desirable future » within the Université Catholique de Lille.

They concern the educational innovation, the relationship with the territory, the energy and societal transition, the artistic dimension…

Synergy is encouraged between POCs of the University as well as links with others POC of the territory.

In 2020, these projects will be promoted through a program, in the same form as the one for « LILLE 3000 » : communication, exhibitions, visits, courses around different themes).

The Université Catholique de Lille will actively participate in the program established by Lille World Design Captial, and will also provide a specific program concerning the University. This will promote the outcomes of the POCs, but also integrate events offered by the establishments.

Visit of a UCAC-ICAM delegation

Welcome to Université Catholique de Lille


We welcomed this week a delegation from the Institut UCAC-ICAM (Université Catholique d’Afrique Centrale, Cameroon): Father Epiphane KINH, Vice-Rector of the UCAC, Father Mathieu NDOMBA, representative of the Jesuit Province of Western Africa, M. Alain Brice BOUMPOUTOU, administrator of UCAC-ICAM.

They discovered our historical campus, and our innovations in term of pedagogy, entrepreneurship & sustainable development.

The main mission of the Ucac-Icam Institute is to train, in Africa and for Africa, technicians and engineers who are professionally competent and humanly responsible.



Decembre 17, 2019 /8:30 – 19:30

Threats and Opportunities for Asset Owners and Asset Managers Organised by EDHEC-Risk the EDHEC Climate Finance Conference will take place on December 17, 2019 at the Palais Brongniart in Paris and will discuss two main themes of great interest to the institutional investment and fund manager communities: Investing in Climate Risk and Measuring and Managing Climate Risk.  Leading experts will be featured at the conference, including, Lionel Martellini (Director of EDHEC-Risk Institute), Gianfranco Gianfrate (Professor of Finance, EDHEC Business School), Riccardo Rebonato (Professor of Finance, EDHEC Business School), and professional experts from the industry. This conference will be preceded on December 16 by an academic gathering which is organized by EDHEC Business School and co-sponsored by the Journal of Corporate Finance, which also will publish a Special Issue of a subset of the papers presented at the conference. Palais Brongniart, Paris - France

EDHEC-Risk Institute or on: +33 493187887

30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child

La chaire Enfance et Familles (anciennement chaire DISE – Droits et Intérêt Supérieur de l’Enfant) et le C3RD en partenariat avec le Bureau International Catholique de l’Enfance organisent à l’occasion du trentième anniversaire de la Convention internationale des droits de l’enfant, un colloque intitulé :

30ème anniversaire de la Convention relative aux droits de l’enfant Réflexions et enjeux*
