Code Cours
Langue d'enseignement
Bachelor in International Business
Année de formation


Ability to work in a team.
Organisation in teams to carry out an associative project throughout the school year.

At the end of the course the student should be able to manage a project and implement various aspects of project management :
• Determine / detect a need and implement an action plan to answer this need.
• Use backward planning techniques and meet deadlines.
• Adapt the actions implemented to a specific context and target.
• Manage communication linked to the project and targeted at various audiences concerned by the project (e.g. sponsors, journalists).
• Manage team work.
• Implement tools to measure the impact of the actions carried out and be able to analyze the results.
• Establish a projected budget and a statement of actual spending. Measure and analyze the gap between the two statements.
• Keep the accounts and draw up the accounts of the association (final statements: income statement, balance sheet and financial review).
How to manage a project (objectives/actions/planning)?
How to draft a press release and manage relations with journalists?
How to design a leaflet and manage relations with sponsors?
How to build and manage a budget?
How to implement and manage relations with business partners?


Modalités d'enseignement
Class structure Course organisation Once they have chosen the project they are going to take over or have decided to create their own project, students (organised in groups of a maximum of 8 students) plan their actions themselves depending on the chosen target and the need they have detected. Throughout the school year, the students implement actions concerning their target in order to meet the identified objectives and manage their association in administrative terms at the same time. After presenting the required work, the students organize their own schedule throughout the year so that they can effectively manage their associative project. At the beginning of the academic year, the teams present their objectives, their topic and their schedule to a jury and hand in a written report. The participating staff remain available throughout the year and can meet the students or groups on request. A specific seminar on communication tools and press relations will be organized. At the same time, the students attend courses on project management. Coaching sessions are organised at regular intervals throughout the year to ensure that the project makes headway. At the end of the academic year, the teams present the results of their work (oral presentation supported by a report) and explain any differences between the initial project and the final result.
Teaching Methods • Lessons on project management • Seminar on accounting for non-profit organisations : 13H20, i.e. 5 sessions of 2H40 – obligatory attendance of 2 students per group. • Press seminar : 1 session of 1H20 – obligatory attendance of 2 students per group. • Autonomous group work • Tutoring/coaching : 7 sessions of 40M (3 in semester 1 and 4 in semester 2)
Type Amount of time Comment
Cours interactif 5,20
Travail personnel
Group Project 113,25
Overall student workload 118,00
The evaluation will be based on reports and presentations given during the two evaluation sessions at the beginning and the end of the academic year, and a grade for their nonprofit accounting.

The jury will evaluate :
- the quality of the oral and written presentations,
- the coherence between the initial project and the final result,
- the ability to work in a team,
- the ability to communicate on the project.
- the ability to implement tools to measure the impact among the target audience and partners, and analyze the results.
- the ability to adapt to the target audience and to overcome any difficulties they run into.
Control type Duration Amount Weighting
Projet Collectif 0,00 0 16,00
Contrôle continu
Présentation orale 0,50 1 21,00
Présentation orale 0,50 1 63,00
TOTAL 100,00
