Code Cours
Langue d'enseignement
Année de formation


It is strongly recommended that students:
- Have basic knoledge of business strategy and strategic management;
are proficent in:
- Human Resource Management key concepts
- Human Resource Management processes;
- People Management scope, concepts, and processes.
At the end of the course, the student should be able to :

- Know the purpose of Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM);
- Know the main characteristics of Strategic HRM, especially those which differentiate it from Human Resource Management approach;
- Once in a company, the students who have attented this course should be capable of proactively supporting SHRM approach through:
1 - both, spotting the impact and understanding the practical implication that the continual evolution of company strategy generates on people;
2 - cooperating with HR department in defining actions to help people cope with the evolution of strategy
3 - supporting HR Business Partners in daily delivering HRM processes;
4 - applying basic skills in Strategic HRM to define and deploy effective SHRM processes, as the students will have learnt:
- how to set performance;
- the methods to tune (eu-)stress to manage performance;
- the concrete meaning of engagement and the differences between control, engagement and commitment;
- how to measure the performance of hr activites and policies by SHRM Assessment Tool;
- the implementation of SHRM through Human Resource Business Partners
- the SHRM in the Digital Tide: highlights and implications
- The evolution of people management and the modern meaning of HR management;
- The systemic approach to company management and the concept of "Strategic Human Resource Management";
- The psychological models of human behavior and learning: performance classification, eustress and distress, learning and cultural factors in innovation processes, the role of instructions and procedures in operations, the "exploration/exploitation" managerial paradox, the concept of emotions and their impact of human behavior, management and leadership;
- The relation between Strategic HRM and formal structure in organizations: cooperation, coordination, individual and collective results, "no blame" and just culture;
- The engagement: the role of SHRM approach to raise people awareness of individual contribution, duty, results
- SHRM into practice: understanding and applying the Human Resource Business Partner approach
- Measuring SHRM effectiveness: the SRHM Assessment tool.


Type Amount of time Comment
Cours interactif 16,00 The course adopts an inductive learning aproach delivered through goal based scenario learning: briefing, simulation, de-briefing.
Travail personnel
Charge de travail personnel indicative 10,00
Group Project 8,00 Each simulation is a Group Project scenario: every team has to manage and write a short report which will be evaluated for team grading.
Lecture du manuel de référence 4,00
Overall student workload 38,00
The student is assessed on the course based on three components:
- class participation (10%)
- project (50%)
- exam (40%)
Control type Duration Amount Weighting
Examen (final)
Examen écrit 2,00 1 40,00
Contrôle continu
Participation 0,00 0 10,00
Projet Collectif 0,00 0 50,00
TOTAL 100,00


HR book used in your basic HR course. -
McGrath, R.G., 2013, Transient Advantage, Harvard Business Review -
Ancona, D., Malone, T.W., Orlikowski, W.J., Senge, P.M., In Praise Of The Incomplete Leader, Harvard Business Review, 2007 -
Kim, T., Mfee, E., Olguin Olguin, D., Waber, B., Pentland, A., 2012, Sociometric badges: Using sensor technology to capture new forms of collaboration, Journal of Organizational Behavior, J. Organiz. Behav. 33, 412–427 (2012) -
Ressources Internet
IESEG online
Slides from the instructor (available at ieseg-online platform). Students are expected to regularly (and prior to each session) check the course website at ieseg-online platform. The preparation on the texts and slides covered by the course and indicated by the professor is essential for preparing the exam.