Code Cours
Langue d'enseignement
Ce cours apparaît dans les formation(s) suivante(s)
Béatrice Brigadeau
Année de formation


Students should be prepared to participate actively in class activities and to reflect upon various experiences including their own. Presence and participation will be taken into account for final grading.
At the end of the course the student should be able to :

• Communicate effectively in English
• Equipped with strong team leadership skills
• Compose constructive personal feedback and guidance
• Integrate different skills and management disciplines in support of interdisciplinary responsibilities
• Distinguish between assertive, aggressive, passive and passive-agressive behaviours.
• Identify possible causes for lack of assertiveness.
• Develop self-knowledge
• Express assertively using specific verbal and non-verbal techniques.
• Grow self-confidence especially in conflicting situations.
• Request what they want in an assertive way.
• Disagree with the other person in such a way that helps them understand the matter without taking it personally
• Say No in both an effective and assertive way
• Deal with conflict while staying friends
Understand what Assertiveness is and how it differs from aggressive, passive or passive-aggressive behaviour. Model and adopt assertive behaviours.
Gain self-knowledge through the use of personal developpment tools and techniques (the NLP TEA model,...) .Grow self-confidence by asserting core values, rights and responsibility.
Get acquainted with Steiner’s stroke economy :
• Request and ask for what you want and learn to react when your request is not registered
• Criticise using a step-by-step approach to give constructive feedback,
• Receive Criticism
• Express your disagreement , say No while staying friends
Implement clear and assertive communication :
• With tools like Berne's life positions, active listening, expressing needs, etc....
• Understand emotions and the important role they play in solving difficult situations
• Deal with conflict assertively to reach a positive win-win outcome( Gordon’s method and Rosenberg’s non violent communication approach)


Type Amount of time Comment
Cours interactif 16,00 Students are expected to question themselves and find out about how assertive they are before, during and after the seminar. This can be achieved through:--the practise of activities and roleplays during the seminar.
Travail personnel
Charge de travail personnel indicative 2,00 Students are expected to answer a few questions showing what they've been learning/understanding, what strenghts/resources and assertiveness skills they've grown during the course as well as prepare a case study showing how they would use assertiveness.
Overall student workload 18,00
Open books written exam including a case study at the end of the course. Students' capacity to reflect on their experience as well as to grow and improve their relational skills and abilities to communicate in an assertive and positive way are evaluated both during the course and during the written exam. Penalty points will be applied in case of unjustified absences during the course.
Control type Duration Amount Weighting
Examen (final)
Examen écrit 2,00 0 40,00
Contrôle continu
Participation 16,00 0 60,00
TOTAL 100,00


« Develop your assertiveness », Sue Bishop, the Sunday times, Creating success, 2010 -
“Confidence: the power to take control and live the life you want” Rob Yeung, Prentice Hall Edition, 2011. -
Easy ways to build assertiveness, confidence and self-esteem », Jennie Willett, 2010 -
"Be more assertive", Suzie Hayman, Teach yourself, 2010 -