Code Cours
Langue d'enseignement
Guillaume GENTINA
International MBA
Année de formation


2.B Solve professional dilemmas using concepts of CSR and ethics (SM AACSB Grade 2.B)
4.C. Convey powerful messages using contemporary presentation techniques
5.A. Predict how business and economic cycles could affect organizational strategy (SM AACSB Grade 5.A)
5.D. Make effectual organizational decisions
6.C Integrate different skills and management disciplines in support of interdisciplinary responsibilities
6.E Draw on professional experience and accumulated knowledge to determine key strategic opportunities to their organization (SM AACSB Grade 6.E)
6.F Anticipate the implications of top-level decisions for the whole organization

• Know the key concepts and tools of external and internal strategic analysis
• Become familiar with fundamental concepts in strategic management, such as: strategy identification and evaluation; industry analysis; challenges to competition; firm and industry evolution; what business to be in and how to compete in existing businesses.
• Conduct analysis of competitive environment of an industry
• Conduct internal diagnosis of company’s capabilities
• Distinguish between business level strategy and corporate level strategy as well as their respective tools and methods.
• Understand the impact of environmental forces and of strategic actions by the firm and its rivals on business and corporate strategy.
• Formulate business level strategies by mastering functional skills.
• Analyze precisely company’s corporate level strategy movements
• Analyze businesses portfolios from a growth alternative perspective
• Use non-financial and financial criteria and tools for evaluating strategic options
• Undertand the stakes of international strategies
This strategy course introduces the fundamental concepts, analytical tools, and strategic options at the basis of strategic analysis and action. We will use a combination of lectures, case studies and an individual company project to explore and apply theoretical frameworks and methodologies in different industry and company situations. For instance, we will explore methods for assessing the strength of competition and the relative bargaining power, for anticipating competitors’ actions, for analyzing cost and value structures and their relevance to competition, and for assessing potential changes in the scope of the firm (diversification and vertical integration). Basic mastery of these tools has relevance to everyone seeking a career in business as a manager, an entrepreneur or a consultant.


Type Amount of time Comment
Cours interactif 24,00 Interactive course 24 hours (magistral course, vidéos, interactions, 3 major case studies and team project)
Lecture du manuel de référence 10,00 Read each required chapter and case studies before each class : reference chapters will be communicated around early September
Recherche 10,00 Individual Project
Travail personnel
Group Project 10,00 Case Studies Group Preparation
Individual Project 15,00 Individual Integrative Project
Charge de travail personnel indicative 6,00 Case study Readings
Overall student workload 75,00
1. Participation and oral presentation are rewarded by 30% each to the final grade.

2. Written mid-term exam (25% of the final grade)

The mid-term written exam is closed-book. You will have to perform quizzes based on the required readings (book chapters and lectures) and open-ended questions based on a mini case study. Mini case study and questions will be provided the day of the exam. You will be given examples of past MCQ examinations and you will practice MCQ quizzes during lectures. Further information will be provided in class.

3. Written final exam (25%): open-ended questions based on big case study questions provided the day of the exam.

4. Individual Integrative Project (20% of the final grade)

A individual integrated project is a report analyzing the strategy by a company of your choice in a changing environment. This project is common to three courses part of the module "Developing a strategic mindset in a changing environment" i;e Business Economics, Global Corporate Finance and Strategic Management: . A complete guideline on the individual project (e.g., writing format, words limit, examples of what we expect as a report, deadlines and penalties for missing a deadline) is available in the course folder
Control type Duration Amount Weighting
Contrôle continu
Examen partiel 2,00 1 25,00
Participation 10,00 1 10,00
Examen (final)
Examen écrit 3,00 1 25,00
Projet Individuel 20,00 1 20,00
Projet Collectif 1,00 1 20,00
TOTAL 100,00


Contemporary Strategy Analysis 9th Edition Text and Case Edition by Robert M Grant Wiley publishers -