Code Cours
Langue d'enseignement
Ce cours apparaît dans les formation(s) suivante(s)
MSc in Business Analysis & Consulting
Année de formation


At the end of the course, the student should be able to :
-Understand the role of CSR and the realms of it from a business and management perspective.
Understand the differences in communication methods, actions and reactions.
Have the ability to adapt their personal communication styles in order to manage effective communication interactions in a business context based on advanced psychometric knowledge*
Demonstrate an International mindset in relation to the topics covered and international differences that may impact on the business initiatives.
Be competent to evaluate the business need and solution focus approach on managing CSR & ethics in a professional manner
Approach consulting skills offering a sustainable and business focussed approach, to ensure sustainable solutions, appreciating the difference between 'quick win' v long term solution, and managing that conflict in business environments.
Consider the receiver when delivering feedback in any form, ensuring objectivity and appreciation of communication preferences and differences within society and the business environment.
Deliver presentations that take a modern engaging approach in delivering powerful messages with business and professional sensitivity to the audience.
To have an open mind to possibilities and potential alternative solutions, driving strategy including areas which are not the student's main area of interest or specialism. Being strategic and open to new areas within consulting environments.
Corporate Social Responsibility:
The elements contained within CSR, What and why it's important to an organisation, including legal implications and international differences when implementing CSR initiatives. How CSR impacts on business communication, actions and psychological contract with internal and external customers.
Communication Skills underpinned by advanced MBTI application.
Looking deeper into the communication preferences between 'blends' from a MBTI perspective, learning on how to adapt ones natural preference to enhance effective communication from a business perspective, appreciating and understanding differences to avoid and/or manage conflict situations in the work environment
Communication differences and Conflict
Communication skills for presentations
Communication skills - written, email and reports
Communicating in meetings
Negotiation skills
Implementing change based on MBTI
Management & Appreciation - communication skills


Type Amount of time Comment
Cours interactif 24,00
Travaux dirigés 8,00
Lecture du manuel de référence 3,00
Travail personnel
Group Project 20,00
Individual Project 20,00
Overall student workload 75,00
Role plays based on case scenarios
SWOT analysis, level of detail and application
Presentations -
* CSR from an international perspective,
* Communication Theory interpretation with alignment to the impact on the Psychological Contract
Applied learning, reflective work at the end of the course
Level of participation and interaction, comprehension and engagement are within the participation grade
- Journals and current theories are expected to form part of the research included in the written work, cited using Harvard style
Control type Duration Amount Weighting
Contrôle continu
Participation 24,00 1 20,00
Présentation orale 8,00 1 10,00
Etude de cas 8,00 1 15,00
Projet Collectif 8,00 1 20,00
Projet Individuel 10,00 1 25,00
Rapport écrit 1,00 2 10,00
TOTAL 100,00


OPP, Introduction to Type. Myers Briggs Type Indicator -
Ressources Internet
possibly links online relating to MBTI to enhance understanding