Public policy

Code Cours
Langue d'enseignement
Français, Anglais
Ce cours apparaît dans les formation(s) suivante(s)
Héléna Yazdanpanah, Alexia VENOUIL, Déborah GALIMBERTI, Francois Briatte, Chloé BERUT



To take this course, the student should have successfully completed one course in political science and/or political sociology.


The objectives of this lecture are manyfold ; the student should be able to :
- Know the basic theoretical debates in the field of public policy analysis
- Mobilize concepts to analyze the different sequences of public policies
- Use public policy analysis to explore contemporary political and economic issues in France, in the USA and in the European Union


1. Public Policy : An Intoduction.
The Analysis of Public Policy: A quick historical perspective
Between a functionalist definition and a social construct: what is a public policy?
The Jones policy cycle

Part 1: De-constructing public policy

2. Solving problems? The construction of public problems and agenda-setting
What is a public problem?
Emergence and agenda-setting processes
3. Decision and implementation
Between voluntarism and non-decision ? Actors’ rationality, strategies and steering capacities. Implementation
4. Who governs ? Policy actors and networks inside out
Sociology of the elites approaches. Policy networks. From government to governance? « Outsiders » that matter. What role of politics in an era of « global governance » ?

Part 2: Policy change

5. Inertia as policies’ main characteristic
Incrementalism, actors’ interests, rationality; policy legacies; path dependence
6. When policies do change
Cognitive approaches ; Punctuated equilibrium; various forms of change & consequences

Part 3: An era of state crisis? Changes in public action

7. The unravelling of the State ?
Paradigm change; marketization & internationalization; European integration
8. The mutation of public action
The convergence debate; differentiated evolution of policy styles and the rise of the regulatory state.





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