European Environmental Governance

Code Cours
Langue d'enseignement
Français, Anglais
Ce cours apparaît dans les formation(s) suivante(s)



The European Union (EU) has one of the most stringent sets of environmental policies in the world. A complex framework of regulatory standards aiming to improve the state of the environment is in force in all major areas of environmental policy, including air pollution, water, chemicals regulation and climate change. The system of EU environmental policy measures that are binding on the Union’s Member States, their populations and their industries shows that a relatively high level of environmental protection can be combined with an equally high level of economic development and growth. These policies are shaped, adopted and implemented through a complex governance system including various actors, different legal procedures and political practices, and multiple levels of governance.

In this course, we will analyse the state of play of the EU’s environmental governance as well as the political dynamics behind it. We will look at how environmental policy developed in the EU, and study the main institutions and actors that are (formally and informally) involved in the policy-making processes. In terms of policy fields, we will analyse the EU’s activities in the traditional domains (e.g. clean air policy and water policy), and also in the ‘new’ environmental domains (e.g. climate change and sustainable development). Finally, we will also look at the role of the EU in global environmental politics.

The course aims to provide a topical overview on environmental governance in the EU. It serves also as an introduction to broader topics, like sustainable development, policy integration, strategic policy-making etc. In terms of students' competences, the ability to argue and develop own positions will be strengthened.


Session 1: Introduction to EU environmental governance

Session 2: History of EU environmental governance

Session 3: EU actors and environmental policy instruments

Session 4: EU environmental policy-making and implementation

Session 5: EU sectoral environmental policy

Session 6: EU climate change policy

Session 7: Sustainable development in the EU

Session 8: EU in global environmental governance

Session 9: The future of EU environmental governance


Modalités d'enseignement

Course format:

Weekly lectures with discussion, individual readings, group work

Course assessment:

Group work (40%): Assignment given to the working groups

Exam (60%): 2 hours written exam with multiple-choice and open-ended questions.




Atkinson, R. et al. (eds). 2011. <i>Sustainability in European Environmental Policy. Challenges of Governance and Knowledge.</i> London/New York.|| Bäckstrand, K./Elgström; O. 2013. The EU’s role in climate change negotiations: from leader to ‘leadiator’. <i>Journal of European Public Policy</i> 20(10): 1369-1386.|| Biermann, F. 2015, <i>Earth System Governance: World Politics in the Anthropocene.</i> Cambridge, MA.|| Delreux, Tom 2014. EU actorness, cohesiveness and effectiveness in environmental affairs. <i>Journal of European Public Policy</i> 21 (7): 1017–1032.|| Dryzek, J.S./Schlosberg, D. (eds.) 2005. <i>Debating the Earth: The Environmental Politics Reader.</i> Oxford/New York.|| Haverland M. 2003. The impact of the European Union on environmental policies. In: Featherstone, K./ Radaelli. C.M. (ed.): <i>The Politics of Europeanisation</i>. Oxford, pp. 203-221.|| Héritier A. 2002. New modes of governance in Europe: policy making without legislating? In: Héritier A (ed.): <i>The Provision of Common Goods: Governance across Multiple Arenas</i>. Boulder, CO, pp. 185-206.|| Holzinger, K. et al. (eds.) 2008. <i>Environmental Policy Convergence in Europe. The Impact of International Institutions and Trade.</i> Cambridge.|| Jordan, A. (ed.) 2013. <i>Environmental Policy in the EU: Actors, Institutions and Processes. </i>Routledge, London.|| Jordan, A. et al. 2012. Understanding the paradoxes of multi-level governing: climate change policy in the European Union. <i>Global Environmental Politics</i> 12 (2), 41-64.|| Jordan, A. et al. 2013. Still the century of ‘new’ environmental policy instruments? Exploring patterns of innovation and continuity. <i>Environmental Politics</i> 22:1, 155-173|| Jordan, A., et al. 2011. Policy instruments in practice. In: Dryzek, J.S./Norgaard, R.B./Schlosberg, D. (eds.): Oxford Handbook of Climate Change and Society. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 536-549.|| Knill, C./Liefferink, D. 2007. <i>Environmental Politics in the European Union: Policy-Making, Implementation and Patterns of Multi-level Governance.</i> Manchester.|| Langlet, D./Mahmoudi, S. 2016. <i>EU Environmental Law and Policy.</i> Oxford.|| Manners, I. 2002. Normative power Europe: a contradiction in terms? <i>Journal of Common Market Studies</i> 40 (2): 235-258.|| McCormick, J. 2001. <i>Environmental Policy in the European Union.</i> Basingstoke.|| Mol, A. et al. (eds.) 2009. <i>The Ecological Modernisation Reader. Environmental Reform in Theory and Practice</i>. London/New York.|| OECD 2012. Green Growth and Environmental Governance in Eastern Europe, Caucasus, and Central Asia. <i>OECD Green Growth Papers,</i> No. 2012-02. Paris.|| Wurzel, R./Connelly, J. (eds.) 2010. <i>The European Union as a Leader in International Climate Change Politics.</i> London.|| Wurzel, R. et al. 2013. <i>Environmental Governance in Europe: A Comparative Analysis of New Environmental Policy Instruments.</i> Cheltenham.